Here are some links to sites that give further insight into the electricity industry, energy efficiency and the community work supported by The Lines Company.
- Electricity Networks Association (ENA) April 2019 Network Transformation Road map (NTR)
- Electricity Price Review 2018-2019
- Transpower March 2020 paper Whakamana i Te Mauri Hiko – Empowering our Energy Future
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA)
- Maru Energy Efficiency Trust
- North King Country Development Trust (NKCDT)
- Powerswitch (by Consumer), compare prices
- The Lines Company (TLC)
Industry videos/animations
- The Lines Company – The Power of our Community (You Tube)
- The Electricity Authority – What makes up my power bill? (You Tube)
- The Electricity Authority – Where does my power come from? (You Tube)
- The Electricity Authority – Wholesale electricity market – keeping the lights on (You Tube)